IoT and HMI System Concept (Overview)


SutantoIOT #HMI #Visualization

IoT is a topic that required a multi-disciplinary approach, such as system design, computer networking, specific domain knowledge, system integration, IT/OT, etc. One of the most important part of IoT is about the User Interface. How can we interact with the IoT Systems? The answer is simple: Human Machine Interface/Interaction (HMI). What kind of HMI: it depends. In the bigger picture, there are three kind of HMI concept we can choose for our IoT Application.


  1. #2DHMI Mode is the simplest and robust design. If you need a HMI for Mission Critical Application and managing abnormal situation, 2D Mode would be a classic quick yes.
  2. #3DHMI Mode is the most beautiful interface that simply available today. If you need a user-friendly and great visualization, 3D Mode would be the best choice.
  3. #DigitalTwin is the the future-proof solution. It could be more complex, but digital twin is simply an enabler for the next technology in the future.

Enjoy the Video! Feel free to contact me if you have questions about #IoT, #Technology, and #Automation. I am also open for a new role and would appreciate your support.

Freddy Sutanto

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