Smart PPE and Safety System (Body Wear Sensors)


#SutantoIOT #SmartPPE #BodyWear

Health, Safety, and Environment are three critical topics that related each other. As a part of #ConnectedWorker concept, we can monitor the condition of our field worker. It can be divided into two aspects: internal (worker condition) and external (environment condition). Monitoring on-site working environment using Smart PPE is a concept to assure field workers health and safety. This is a simple Proof of Concept #PoC video about Smart PPE and Body Wear Sensors.


  1. A live video based on body wear camera is a #Simple and #Easy approach to get a quick understanding.
  2. #DataVisualization with graph and chart apply some meaning to the data and give more understanding.
  3. Improved health and safety leads to less accident and better #Operations cost.

Enjoy the Video! Feel free to contact me if you have questions about #IoT, #Technology, and #Automation. I am also open for a new role and would appreciate your support.

Freddy Sutanto

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